Services for Research and Scientific Publication Assistance

As researchers, you make significant contributions to the advancement of critical information. Your accomplishments have the potential to save lives and enhance the way we live. If you're ready to share your expertise with the world, here is your greatest chance to publish your research and have it spread globally.

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Journal Selection

Journal suggestions based on the context of your paper to assist you in deciding which journal to submit to.

Detailed comments - A detailed analysis of your article, including language, significance of the result, overall quality of the paper, and more. Comparison guide - Key details of the top 5 appropriate journals, including Impact Factor, Database list, Frequency of Publication, and the publication schedule

Pre-Submission Peer Review

A topic expert reviewed the manuscript, focusing on the soundness of the study design, method reporting, significance to the field, ethical soundness, and sufficiency of data analysis.

Extensive technical report - Clear and detailed feedback on presentation clarity, organization and structure, evidence supporting conclusion, literature review adequacy, and more. Journal compatibility check - An in-depth evaluation of your paper's suitability for the target journal (if any).

Substantive Editing

Substantive Editing is designed exclusively for authors who want to submit their work to high-impact international peer-reviewed publications.

It comprises extensive editing that focuses on the logic, structure, and appearance of your book in order to prepare it for publication. Thorough content assessment and refinement by the most experienced subject matter experts and native English editors. 365-days Rejection Shield - A Substantive Editing function that assures your paper is resubmission ready.

Manuscript Formatting and Artwork Editing Services

Text, tables, and references should be structured according to the journal's rules. Editing of artwork - Figures improved to match journal specifications. This comprises all technical elements like resolution (dots per inch), size, color, and so forth. Proofreading entails correcting mechanical and grammatical errors. Cover letter - A clear, persuasive letter that should be included with your manuscript that highlights the uniqueness of your research.

Journal Submission

A submission expert assists you in understanding and completing the submission. Save time by thoroughly reviewing critical checkpoints before submission.

Manuscript formatting was double-checked to confirm that it complied with journal criteria and was ready for submission. Prepare a cover letter if necessary. The specialists handle all formalities, such as filling out the relevant form details and submitting required documentation. The time-consuming procedure of manuscript submission is handled on your behalf by submission experts.

Revised/Rejected Paper Editing

Comprehensive English language review, formatting, and re-editing of your article content and reviewer answers before resubmission to guarantee that all comments are addressed in your work.

Two rounds of editing are carried out by a subject-matter expert to guarantee that all reviewer comments is handled. You can review the first draft and provide feedback for a final round of editing. Reviewer answers - The manuscript addressed and replied to reviewer comments (depending on whether you are resubmitting to the same journal or a new one). Cover letter - A concise, persuasive document that explains the value of your study and how it was enhanced (in case of resubmission to the same journal).

Plagiarism Check

Using powerful plagiarism software such as Turnitin, we scan and check the originality of your article and then provide you with a report that indicates any content that the journals may deem plagiarized.

Increase the Visibility of Your Article

It's a good idea to consider more than one metric before making a decision. Many journal homepages have a dedicated Journal Insights section with information on the journal's publications.

  • Speed –Review time and online publication time
  • Reach –the geographical location of the corresponding writers as well as journal usage
  • Impact –Impact indicators are based on the number of citations received by articles.

The average impact of all the articles in a journal is frequently used as a proxy for the influence of a specific piece, particularly when the article hasn't yet accumulated its own citations. It is critical to take this type of proxy metric into account.

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Don't Give Up Your Competitive Advantage Because You're Looking for a New Job

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures that your post appears higher in search engine results such as Google, Bing, and others. This can result in more readers, increased prominence in the academic world, and possibly increased citations.


  • Use keywords in the title and abstract, especially.
  • Captions with keywords should be added to all photographs, graphics, graphs, and tables.
  • Titles or subheadings (with keywords) should be added to the various sections of your post.
  • Make sure that relevant websites, such as your institute's website, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, blogs, and social media, link to your piece.
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Can't wait for your Article to get published?

We are here for you. Hire one of our Article and make your Research come to life.

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Our Comprehensive Publication Services Include

  • Performing research and outlining a draft (if required)
  • Editing the manuscript in accordance with the journal's guidelines
  • Thorough editing to ensure that the text is free of errors
  • Proofreading and critical review
  • Publication formatting and typesetting
  • Cover letter and artwork
  • Complete submission assistance
  • Revision and submission
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More reasons to choose us

  • Indexing the article on several platforms
  • Author biography
  • Sources cited have 3500+ global reach and online presence.
  • Paper Security - Your paper is published with complete discretion.
  • International Conference Sponsorship Program Exposure
  • Your internet presence boosts the legitimacy, publicity, and ranking of your study and you as a researcher.
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Book Writing Service Is Your Ultimate Resource To Help You Become A Published Author

We deliver you comfort and ease in the shape of a hardworking crew that will assist you in publishing your article. We have a staff of skilled editors who specialize in various genres on board.


We provide unrivaled quality at incredible savings.


Understanding the bounds of scientific research is a critical step in ensuring that your work gets off to the best possible start. Scientific misconduct ethical violations can take several forms and be perpetrated consciously or inadvertently.

Secure Ownership

You retain all rights to your manuscript, including publishing.

Qualified Experts

We are experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable about the complexities of the research article publishing process.

Authentic Research

We understand your needs and conduct extensive study to create a succinct research strategy and overview.

Graphical Abstracts

A graphical abstract can be used to provide a visual summary of the major findings of an article. It appears in your article as well as in the results lists produced by search engines.

What Does Our Book Publishing Service Include?

Choosing us for competent book publication is the best decision you will ever make. We are ideal for authors seeking a comprehensive personal publishing plan with professional expertise.

  • Ebook Creation and Distribution
  • Marketing Consultation
  • Optional Hardcover Printing & Management
  • Author Marketing Supplements
  • Publishing Imprint Creation
  • Proofreading
  • Paperback Distribution
  • Interior Layout
  • Graphic Inclusion
  • Complete Evaluation Edit
  • Book Cover Design

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